Paarl Arboretum Climate Park

Through steady action, we will ensure a bright future for our beautiful planet.

Primary goals:

  • Creating physical and social learning environments that have a positive impact on children’s learning
  • Valuing the cultural and social contexts of children and their families
  • Providing for continuity in experiences and enabling children to have successful transition
  • Assessing and monitoring children’s learning to inform provision and to support children in achieving learning outcomes.

Educational Practices:

  • Being responsive to children
  • Planning and implementing learning through 
    • play 
    • hands-on experiences
    • reading guides / educational posters
    • projects & exercises
  • Intentional teaching – an active process and way of relating to children that embraces and builds on their strengths, interests, ideas and needs.

Planning and booking of educational programme:

  • If you would like to book for any of our programmes lined up for 2022, please contact our Environmental Officers on 021 799 8670 to book your visit.
  • A booking form will be sent to you via email. Complete and return the booking form, making sure to indicate your session of choice.
  • This confirms your booking. With school groups, please ensure that there is at least one educator or adult available to supervise every 10 learners.
  • In hot weather, learners must carry a bottle of water. Learners should bring their own lunch as there is no tuckshop to buy snacks or drinks.
  • Please arrive on time for the start of your lesson.

Infographic Posters / Lessons / Trail Maps

Learning the importance  of caring about the environment done in a fun and visual way. Please take your time going through our posters. Thank you



Africa wakes up, hungry
She prowls in packs and preys
She wakes up wild and wary
And hides in herds to graze

Lurking low, Africa waits
She leaps out with surprise
She sets her traps for bait
And casts her dewy eyes

Africa takes off, soaring
She rides on wings and prayer
She tweets and hoots, imploring
And swoops down from the air

Lying still, Africa blinks
She twitches in her manger
She shuts one eye and thinks
She listens out for danger