Discover the trees of the world
Trees of Europe
Common Name
- Field Maple
- Sycamore Maple
- Black Alder
- Strawberry tree
- Purple European Birch
- Silver Birch
- European hornbeam
- Spanish Chestnut
- European Hackberry
- Carob
- Judas Tree
- Red Cornel
- European Filbert
- English Hawthorn
- Mediterranean cypress
- European Beech
- European Beech ‘purpurea’
- Narrow-Leaved Ash
- Flowering Ash
- English Holly
- Golden Queen English Holly
- Tam Juniper
- Bay Laurel
- Paradise apple
- Oleander
- Norway Spruce
- Canary Island Pine
- Calabrian black pine
- Bosnian Pine
- Stone Pine
- Myrobalan Plum
- Morello
- Turkey Oak
- Holly Oak
- Caucasian Oak
- English Oak
- Cork-Oak
- European buckthorn
- Common Lilac
- Cedar, Salt
- Common Yew
- Windmill palm
- Smoothleaf elm
- Slippery elm
- Scotch elm
- Russian white elm
- Snowball Viburnum
- Laurustinus
Trees of Africa
Common Name
- Ana tree
- Common hook-thorn
- Sweet thorn
- Kalahari-sand acacia
- Knob thorn
- White thorn
- Paperbark thorn
- Fever tree
- Flat-crown albizia
- Broad-pod false-thorn
- Fan aloe
- Pride-of-de-Kaap
- Natal bauhinia
- Tree wisteria
- Wild almond
- Coast silver oak
- Cape silver oak
- Cape chestnut
- Forest num-num
- Bushman’s tea
- Forest saffron
- Cape saffron
- White stinkwood
- False white stinkwood
- Tinderwood
- River bushwillow
- Forest bushwillow
- Cape rattle-pod
- Red alder
- Assegai
- Mountain cabbage tree
- Forest cabbage tree
- Common cabbage tree
- Pincushion tree
- Bladder-nut
- Pink wild pear
- Silver white pear
- Wild pear
- Kei-apple
- Cape ash
- Eastern Cape cycad
- Water heath
- Common coral tree
- Blue guarri
- Willow beechwood
- Broom cluster fig
- Natal fig
- Honey bell-bush
- White gardenia
- Knysna boxwood
- Wild plum
- African holly
- Wild peach
- Wild pepper tree
- Lion’s ear
- Silver tree
- Pincushion
- Apple-leaf
- Silky bark
- Cape-gum
- Partridge wood
- Forest elder
- Carnival bush
- Stinkwood
- Wild olive
- Weeping wattle
- Canary Islands date palm
- Date palm
- Wild date palm
- Cape leadwort
- Breede River Yellowwood
- Outeniqua yellowwood
- Henkel’s Yellowwood
- Real yellowwood
- Porkbush
- Laurel protea
- Forest sugarbush
- Oleander-leaf protea
- Wagon tree
- Sugarbush
- African almond
- Algerian oak
- Cape Beech
- Quinine tree
- Karee
- Mountain karee
- Common wild currant
- White Karee
- False cabbage tree
- Karoo boer-bean
- African walnut
- White milkwood
- African Tulip Tree
- Natal wild banana
- Water berry
- Camphor bush
- Cape honeysuckle
- Pigeon wood
- Forest mahogany
- Clanwilliam cedar
- Mountain cedar
- Baviaanskloof cedar
- Buffalo thorn
Trees of South America
Common Name
- Paranà Pine
- Queen Palm
- Brazilian Orchid Tree
- Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
- Jelly Palm
- Brazilian Ironwood
- Green Cestrum
- Fiddlewood Tree
- Crucero
- Common Coral Tree
- Brazil Cherry
- Pineapple Guava
- Blue Jacaranda
- West Indian Lantana
- West Indian Lantana
- West Indian Lantana
- Wax Mallow
- Prickly Pear
- Red Frangipani
- Honey Mesquite
- Purple Guava
- Peruvian Pepper Tree
- Brazilian Pepper Tree
- Pink Poui
- Tipa / Pride of Bolivia
Trees of Asia
Common Name
- Glossy Abelia
- Trident Maple
- Japanese Maple
- Tree of Heaven
- Formosan Alder
- Azalea
- Bamboo
- Purple Bauhinia
- White Orchid Tree
- Betula
- Purple beautyberry
- Japanese camellia
- Tea Plant
- Indian mahogany
- Himalayan cedar
- cedar of Lebanon
- Chinese hackberry
- Japanese quince
- Flowering quince
- Flowering quince
- Lawson cypress
- Camphor laurel
- Rock cotoneaster
- Japanese cedar
- China fir
- Thorny olive
- Evergreen spindle
- Indian rubberplant
- Sacred fig
- Chinese banyan
- Border Forsythia
- Cape jasmine
- Chinese hibiscus
- Rose of Sharon
- Winter jasmine
- Chinese juniper
- Crepe myrtle
- Chinese privet
- Korean privet
- Golden privet
- Formosa sweet gum
- Sweet gum
- Chinese fan palm
- Japanese flowering crabapple
- Chinese flowering apple
- Chinaberry tree
- Dawn redwood
- Banana shrub
- White mulberry
- Orange jasmine
- Heavenly bamboo
- Japanese Photinia
- Oriental Photinia
- Japanese red pine
- Aleppo pine
- Chir pine
- Taiwan red pine
- Japanese black pine
- Oriental plane tree
- Yew pine
- Cherry plum tree
- Flowering peach
- Scartlet firethorn
- Narrowleaf firethorn
- Sawtooth oak
- Bluejack oak
- Caucasian oak
- Bamboo-leaf oak
- Common oak
- Yeddo hawthorn
- Indian hawthorn
- Rhododendron
- Snowrose
- Cape may
- Bridalwreath
- Chinese Arborvitae
- Lacebark elm
- Siberian elm
- Sweet viburnum
- Leatherleaf virbunum
Trees of North America
Common Name
- Sacred Fir
- Red Maple
- Silver Maple
- Mexican Lily
- Purple European Birch
- Southern Catalpa
- Northern Catalpa
- Port Orford Cedar
- Silky Dogwood
- Hawthorn
- Hawthorn
- Mexican White Cedar
- Monterey Cypress
- Mexican Grass Tree
- “Geisha Girl”
- Pointsettia
- White Ash
- Giant furcraea
- Honey Locust
- Carolina Silverbell
- American Holly
- Little Walnut
- Bermuda Cedar
- Red Cedar
- American Sweetgum
- American Tulip Tree
- Southern Magnolia
- Magnolia ‘Ruby
- Mexican White Pine
- Shortleaf Pine
- Spruce Pine
- Montezuma Pine
- Western White Pine
- Patula Pine
- Ponderosa Pine
- Monterey Pine
- Red Pine
- Pitch Pine
- Eastern White Pine
- Loblolly Pine
- American Sycamore
- Arizona Sycamore
- Chinese Douglas Fir
- Blackthorn / Sloe
- Scarlet Oak
- Bur Oak
- Water Oak
- Swamp Spanish Oak
- Netleaf Oak
- English Oak
- Black Oak
- Black Locust
- Coast Redwood
- Giant Sequoia
- Queen Palm
- Pink Poui
- Bald Cypress
- Montezuma Bald Cypress
- American Elm
- Spanish Bayonet
Trees of Australia
Common Name
- Blackwood
- Pearl Acacia
- Needle Wattle
- Sunshine Wattle
- Swamp Cypress
- Queensland Kauri Pine
- Smooth-barked Apple
- Rough-Barked Apple
- Broad-leaved Apple
- Bunya Pine
- New Caledonian Pine
- Hoop Pine
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Bungalow Palm
- Coastal Banksia
- Hairpin Banksia
- Australian Flame Tree
- Queensland Lacebark, Pink flame tree
- Kurrajong
- Bonducella Nut
- Lemon Bottlebrush
- Willow Bottlebrush
- Alpine Bottlebrush
- Weeping Bottlebrush
- White Cypress-Pine
- Australian Chestnut
- River She-Oak
- Australian beefwood
- Indian Mahogany
- Himalayan Cedar
- Carob
- New South Wales Christmas bush
- Coastal Coprosma
- Cabbage Tree
- Pampas Grass
- Silver Princess
- Marri
- River Red Gum
- Florist Gum
- Sugar Gum
- Karri
- Brown-barrel Gum
- Red Flowering Gum
- Tasmanian Blue Gum
- Rose Gum
- Camden Woollybutt
- Spotted Gum
- Maiden’s Gum
- Grey Ironbark
- Black ironbark
- Swamp Cypress
- Endeavour River Pear
- Moreton Bay Fig
- Natal Fig
- Port Jackson Fig
- Red silky oak
- Linear-leaf Grevillea
- Southern Silky Oak
- Spider Net Grevillea
- Willow Hakea
- Willow-leaved Hakea
- Chinese Hibiscus
- Primrose Tree
- Wallum Tea-Tree
- Sweet Gum
- Tulip Tree
- Hillock Honey Myrtle
- Flax-Leaved Paper-Bark
- Punk Tree
- Prickly Paperbark
- Chinaberry
- New Zealand Christmas Tree
- New Zealand Christmas Tree
- Centipede Plant
- Mousehole Tree
- Boobialla
- New Zealand flax
- Aleppo Pine
- Eastern white pine
- Australian cheesewood
- White Alder
- False Pepper Tree
- Firewheel Tree
- Turpentine Tree
- Fraser Island Turpentine
- Malabar Plum
- Australian Brush-cherry
- Bald Cypress
- Yellow Bells
- Victorian Waratah
- Common Waratah
- American Arborvitae
- Chinese Arborvitae
- Tipu Tree